Scoring in Traffic

Scoring in Traffic
Divide players into four lines, with the first in each line starting simultaneously. Cones are placed randomly in the middle, at distances that allow dribbling through between the cones. The goal is to weave through the cones without hitting any cone or other players. If successful, the player can proceed to score (either goal is okay). If they collide or lose the ball, they must return to their line. The next player from each line can be instructed to start, for example, when the previous one has reached the middle to weave. Can be competitive, for example, which line scores the most goals in three minutes?
Quality factors
Dribbling & touches. Observation and bypassing: Don't collide! Scoring: Ball contact with the instep / laces, proper supporting foot, follow-through of the leg
Key questions
When to use a long touch, when a short touch, to keep speed high and maintain ball control? How to avoid collisions? Is shooting successful while in motion?

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